
Black Iris

Black Iris

This flower is a symbol of the elegance of your task management

Blue Iris

Blue Iris

Let's be honest, doing tasks is funnier with a garden

Orange Iris

Orange Iris

Your ambition for doing tasks is growing ! But before climbing a mountain, let's start with a task

Pink Iris

Pink Iris

Nothing is better than a coffee break after doing a task

Purple Iris

Purple Iris

Add a little bit of magic and mystery by randomly picking your next task ! Garden, Garden on my phone, what will be my next task ?

Red Iris

Red Iris

This flower represents your growing energy to complete tasks. Keep going !

White Iris

White Iris

If perfection was real, it would be the way you manage your tasks

Yellow Iris

Yellow Iris

The more tasks you complete, the less you have to do ! Keep that in mind